Embed & Share Tracker

You will see your tracker's tid and integration info, sharing info in Tracker Settings / Embed & Share screen.

Embed Info

In the Embed Info section, you can see data-tid of your tracker. This tid (a.k.a Tracker ID) is important to integrate your website with your Metricalp tracker.

You will also see basic pure javascript integration code snippet. But you may not need this if you are using React, NextJS or some frameworks which we already have integration packages and they helps more convenient ways to integration. You can check our integration packages and integration guides detailed from integration section in docs. Even you integrate pure JavaScript, you can customize it with your need with providing custom configurations. Check API Reference for possible configurations.

Share Info

If you set your tracker's access setting to "public" or "key" you will find a shareable link in this section. You can share this link with your team members or anyone you want to share your tracker's data. If it set to "key", then you also need to share the key. Keep in mind they will see data in read-only mode and they can not change any setting of tracker. You can always change access setting in Tracker Settings / General screen.