Refund Policy

In Metriclap, we caring our customers. So, our free-trial policy will remain until forever. You can always try Metricalp and if you do not think you need it anymore (hopefully you not 😊), you can cancel your subscription at any time. You will have right to use Metricalp until end of your usage term. If you cancelled your subscription, you will not be charged again and if you cancelled at free-trial you will not be charged at all.

So, because of free-trial remains always, we do not have any refund policy. But here is world, we are the people so we can understand each other. If you have any problem with Metricalp, please contact us and we will try to solve your problem. If we can not solve your problem and you really believe you have non-standard problem, we can think to refund your money for first 10 days of your subscription.